Mom is spelled LYLE
Life Lessons & Memories Mom doesn't have to be spelled M-O-M; it can be spelled L-Y-L-E. Mom doesn't have to be the person who gave birth to you; she's the person who loves you fiercely and does the work. Because of Lyle's love for all her kids, she taught me how to be a mom to the children I didn't birth but that lived in my heart far before God placed them in my arms and our house. Adopting someone has little to do with paperwork but all to do with love (the action not the feeling). Moms are the people who stand firm when it would be easier to give in to the fight. They have the tough conversations with you, but always have your back. Even if she didn't believe it for herself, or think I'd choose it, she was the only parent who offered this pregnant 16 year old three options. Lyle could have a tough outer shell that protected her heart, but she had a big heart that beat for her family. Moms SHOW UP when you need them, even when they can't be i...