Days Like These

Whether it is making hard decisions, leaving my kids and husband to return to work, or just having to continue to patiently wait for God's timing in matters that I can't control, I wish it was possible to just escape with my three loves, fall apart, and let someone else take responsibility for the stuff I don't wanna do.
I'm thankful every day that I have a wide, strong safety net to catch me when I fall and a big God to offer me forgiveness and love and to teach me to give myself a dose of that same grace.
The daily calendar that offers me just the words my heart needs to hear.
The customers at work who offer a "hi, i've missed you", a hug, smile, or even an unexpected sweet treat.
Friends and family who know my heart, listen to me rant, and accept me, snark and all.
A laugh, a kiss, a cuddle, or a smile from my sweet, beautiful, worth-it-all babies.
My heart-of-gold husband who offers to do the hard stuff so I don't have to fall apart.
Sometimes just accepting myself is a hard job. Realizing I can't do everything or save the world all by myself. Working through my unrealistic expectations and truly recognizing that my best really is good enough.

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