Our Sweetie's Six
Dearest Lex,
Your birthday is finally here, snickerdoodle! Happy birthday #6!
This year you have grown so much. You are halfway through Kindergarten. You can count by 10s to 100. You know your letters and sounds up to Q. You work hard on your speech and are getting easier and easier to understand, which is great because you love to talk a lot, sing, and dance! You have a lot of friends and you love school. You enjoy checking out books in the library, especially big chapter books, and you look forward to learning to read them yourself.
You love to create, do art, and write. You are so independent. I came to your classroom right after New Years to be part of a fun morning involving specials books and crafts, and was so proud that you were able to do the origami project I brought without any assistance from me, while even a lot of the first graders needed help. Proof you can listen and follow directions! ;)
You still love to play baby dolls and you call your babies and other people's kids "sweeties". Now when I talk to my friends, I even want to call their adult children "sweetie".
You still love princesses and dressing up, and you were so excited about the new Frozen II movie.
You really would really like a pegasus or unicorn for your birthday, as they are your favorite animals. It just didn't seem fair to you when I told you they weren't real. Your response was "well, they should be."
You have your own unique sense of style. You love to pick your own dresses and flashy leggings. You put better ponytails in your hair than Dad, and sometimes better than Mama. ;)
On Christmas Eve, we decided to give you the opportunity to wear earrings. You were so brave standing still and letting me work them in. You are so proud to show them off. You picked out new glasses this fall. The first pair you laid eyes on were the ones!
You have such a loving heart for Jesus. You started AWANA in the fall and have worked so hard to learn verses.
You have so much joy in your heart and you love life. Your giggle is contagious and your true smile is sunshine.

I hope that six is as wonderful to you as you are to us.
I love you always and forever, no matter what!
Your birthday is finally here, snickerdoodle! Happy birthday #6!
This year you have grown so much. You are halfway through Kindergarten. You can count by 10s to 100. You know your letters and sounds up to Q. You work hard on your speech and are getting easier and easier to understand, which is great because you love to talk a lot, sing, and dance! You have a lot of friends and you love school. You enjoy checking out books in the library, especially big chapter books, and you look forward to learning to read them yourself.
You love to create, do art, and write. You are so independent. I came to your classroom right after New Years to be part of a fun morning involving specials books and crafts, and was so proud that you were able to do the origami project I brought without any assistance from me, while even a lot of the first graders needed help. Proof you can listen and follow directions! ;)
You still love to play baby dolls and you call your babies and other people's kids "sweeties". Now when I talk to my friends, I even want to call their adult children "sweetie".
You still love princesses and dressing up, and you were so excited about the new Frozen II movie.
You really would really like a pegasus or unicorn for your birthday, as they are your favorite animals. It just didn't seem fair to you when I told you they weren't real. Your response was "well, they should be."
You have your own unique sense of style. You love to pick your own dresses and flashy leggings. You put better ponytails in your hair than Dad, and sometimes better than Mama. ;)
You love our dog Hazel and enjoying helping take care of her (aka: fighting your sister for whose turn it is). The fact that her adoption day is your birthday makes you smile!
You have such a loving heart for Jesus. You started AWANA in the fall and have worked so hard to learn verses.
You have so much joy in your heart and you love life. Your giggle is contagious and your true smile is sunshine.

I hope that six is as wonderful to you as you are to us.
I love you always and forever, no matter what!
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