High Five
Happy birthday baby girl!
I can hardly believe you are now five and that we have registered you for Kindergarten. It feels like we just found out you were headed our way. Because it rarely happens anymore, I love when you fall asleep on me and I have to document it.
Here is more of you at four:
You love to cook and to serve. You love caring for everyone and are the best hugger. You don't understand why everyone won't wear a mask to make the sickness go away.
Your favorite family activity is a "picnic floor" or playing "Candy World". You also love making forts. You love 'Donalds and it broke your heart when we couldn't go in the playland anymore. You love a good cheeseburger with bacon. You also love cake pops from Starbucks and bubble gum. Honestly, you just love to eat and are like a pigeon if someone else has food around you.
This year you've truly started losing that baby look and turning into a big kid. Honestly, I hate it. But your smile. It's contagious and envelopes your whole soul and body. Man can it melt a person. And you know it. You use it to your advantage. Your hair is so thick and grows so fast.
You have loved quarantine and all the extra time with Xeb and Sassy. You have missed out on in-person preschool, but you love doing online school and having a computer just like the bigs. You also love going to speech online.
Sassy is your best friend and your worst enemy. It won't be long until you are taller than her. You already have bigger feet.
Your other bffs are your loveys. You named them "Norman" and "Otis" after Shawna's cats. When Norman decided to stay in Salt Lake at the beginning of quarantine, you were so sad. But thanks to Nettie, he took a trip in the mail and came back to you.
You also love the rainbow hair guy on Fight Night (Sean O'Malley) and Biden.
You are so fiercely independent. After your 15 minutes of school, you find ways to keep yourself busy. You don't like to be told what to do, and I pray that turns into a woman who won't let anyone hold her back.
You are creative and love to draw and play, inside or outside. You love Barbies, babies, Legos, cars, your bike, swimming, dress-up, and the iPad. You love music and your favorite thing is talking to the Echo. You hate it when she can't understand you. Right after we got them, you figured out exactly what to ask: "Echo, play 'Bad Guy' by Billie Eilish". During the dance party segment of "familwy fight night", you love to dance to your songs.
Even though it seems like forever ago, our family vacation in March to AZ and Cali was the first time you remember going to the beach and you loved it. You talk about seeing the dolphins, the ocean, and Gram and Papa's other house where it is warm. You were so excited to go on that trip that you packed everything that was important (pjs and your loveys) super early. 

Here's to a great year of five, sweet petunia.
I love you always and forever, no matter what.
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