The First Dozen

Aye Caruma! Happy birthday, XEB, my love. I don't know why I'm so surprised that each year just seems to fly by faster than the last and you just get older and older. 

It's been 12 years since you became our sweet summer surprise and that day never leaves my mind. 

12.  You'll be entering 7th grade next month, which means according to our Library standard, you are a teen.  You rocked 6th grade and like I said last year, while virtual school has a million benefits, such as 12-14 hours sleeps that are good for a growing boy's body and brain and lots of time for reading and unstructured time to use as you want, I'm glad you've had one more year to be whoever you want to be, free from the difficulties of 21st century peer pressure and bullying. 


You are now my size.  We are close to the same height, you were 5'1" the last time we measured. although any second you'll shoot right past my 5'3", and for now we wear the same size shoes (7-8 mens).  Like I've always said, even when you're looking down at me, I'm still your mama and your biggest fan.

Since October, you've fallen in love with the author Rick Riordan and have read 85% of his books, are now rereading your favorites, and begging me to read them with you. You rarely leave the house without your book. 😍😍


You love Marvel movies and Disney+ series.  You're rewatching The Simpsons for the 2nd time, and are starting to school Daddy in Madden.  (How is it possible that he taught both you and Jaden to play and now you're now both better than him?!?) You love the Golden State Warriors & Steph Curry, the Las Vegas Raiders, Josh Allen, Wyoming Cowboys football and basketball, and watching UFC, NBA, and NFL. Just like Daddy and Uncle Jason, you can rattle off current and historical stats and names.  



You are starting to watch the movies Dad and I watched as teens (ex. Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Son In Law) and starting to understand where our quotes and saying come from.  While you'd rather high-five than hug your mama, you were so happy to tell me you started watching Friends with Lola. 

It's bittersweet watching my baby turn into a shaggy haired, cranky, man-child. I love that under all that grumpy teen snark, there is still the sweet giggle, sparkly mocha eyes, sensitive soft heart, and sometimes a warm snuggle disguised as a wrestling move.   Secret confession: as much as I loved your mohawk and undercut, the long hair suits you but makes you look so much older.



You are a wonderful human being, son, grandson, brother, cousin, and friend. I'm so very thankful every day that we get to do life with you.

You're the best thing that ever happened to me!



Another look at eleven: 















































































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