Book Review: Mommy Grace: Erasing Mommy Guilt by Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I found this book around the time that I was having huge mommy guilt issues. I've always wanted to be a mom and wish I could be at home full time. I love my job and worked hard to earn my masters degree and to get where I am in my career. Other choices we've made along the way make it imperative for me to work. I also bring home the higher of the two incomes and have much better benefits. We are blessed to have my mother-in-law watch our baby, so it isn't like he is at daycare with someone who isn't attending to his needs or with someone who isn't in love with him. My husband's schedule even allows him to be home several days during the week, which builds a great foundation and relationship between them.
The book is set up like a devotional. There is a short anecdote followed by a Bible verse and prayer.
My biggest takeaways:
*God created ME to be the perfect mom for my son.
*I can't do it all and I will make mistakes but God's grace & Christ's love are endless gifts and available always.
*Resist the urge to judge other moms or to compare myself to them.
*It's okay to take time for myself, because I am also one of God's children.
I hope to return to this book throughout my life as a reminder that I am a successful mom. (I read the library's copy.)
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