What a difference time makes!
Reading through my old defunct blog, I found a post about weeding. I talked about my first experiences with this little known library secret and how the bibliophile in me hated to do it. It is hard to have to make the cut and tell the ugly, worn out, or neglected wallflowers that they must go, but it keeps the collection (especially YA) current, beautiful, and relevant. I know exactly what has changed my mind about weeding. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Currently there is no weeding happening at my library. Our shelves are bursting at the seams and it is finally very apparent (hopefully) that our library is outgrowing our current facility. Just when I had weeding down to an art, I can't do it. Now I'm becoming a master of how to creatively shelve, display, and hopefully encourage books to find a reader.
Now to figure out how to weed my wardrobe and house of unused items. Not as easy, especially when I become emotionally attached to my own things.
Currently there is no weeding happening at my library. Our shelves are bursting at the seams and it is finally very apparent (hopefully) that our library is outgrowing our current facility. Just when I had weeding down to an art, I can't do it. Now I'm becoming a master of how to creatively shelve, display, and hopefully encourage books to find a reader.
Now to figure out how to weed my wardrobe and house of unused items. Not as easy, especially when I become emotionally attached to my own things.
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