
Happy 7th birthday, wild and crazy Skye.

Your favorite time of the week is Saturday mornings with Daddy taking recycling, grocery shopping, and McDonald's breakfast. While you are Miss Independent, you shine when you can be a helper and give love.


You LOVE to eat and if we don't let you snack, you act like we're abusing you. Your favorite drink is Coca-cola. 

Alexis is your best friend and your ride or die.  You love each other and drive each other crazy.  You've started calling her Lexus and Alexis rather than Lex, Sis, or Sass, and it's bittersweet. Your speech is becoming more clear, and you are working hard on your K & G sounds. I love it when you say my name because Zhenn sounds so fancy. ;) You still say  "shugga, shugga, shoe shoe" is the sound of Arron's train and you were so happy to get to go to "Shucky Sheese" in Denver.


You love to watch YouTube and still enjoy A for Adley as well as goat videos.  Lately you love watching "Dolphin Tale 1 & 2".  You love Mini Brands and playing in your dollhouse.  Your favorite singer is "Lil Nasy X".

You are super crafty, like Lexi, and your favorite tool is scotch tape. The second I open a roll you've pocketed it for your stash.  I should start adding tape to your gift lists. You love to help cook and make your own pizza night was one of your favorite days ever.

In September you crashed your bike going down the hill and around a corner.  There was blood everywhere, and you got emergency xrays at the dentist, but thankfully you didn't have too much damage, mostly superficial.  Just an ice pack, tylenol, and an antibiotic and you were fixed up by the end of the week ;)  Your sister was devastated, as much by your bloody injuries as well as the fact that Daddy and I weren't "upset enough".  I reminded her that if we lost our minds every time you got injured, we've never be functional adults. ;)


You've lost a lot of teeth this year.  You lost both your top front teeth in the fall and got to sing the "all I want for Christmas" song.  When you lost a tooth right around Christmas and forgot to bring it home to put under your pillow for a few days, the tooth fairy left you a note that she had been busy "helping a friend in the toy distribution business."  You were so excited that the Tooth Fairy knows Santa Claus.


Your favorite place is outside and preferably near the water, whether it's a splashpad, the lake, or the ocean. You love to collect daddy longlegs and grasshoppers and make them "new" homes with grass and dirt.


You love the fact that you are tall.   You love a good hat or costume and any good reason to strike a pose.  You love to wear Raiders, Bills, or UW Cowboys gear with Daddy.


You love a good snuggle and give the best kisses.  You play hard and you nap hard, too.


We know you've been working super hard this year and that you are so close to breaking the reading code.  You have a great vocabulary and are so funny. 

I look forward to meeting seven-year-old Skye.

I love you to Jesus and back.

Always, Mama

Here's a look back at six Skye:
















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